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          Lupin Protein Power Bars

Our delicious Lupin Protein Power Bars recipe is ideal for anyone looking for a super healthy high protein and high fibre snack. These highly nutritious homemade bars are perfect to top up with and will keep you fuller for longer than other snacks.

Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes
Makes 8 bars

2 tablespoons coconut oil / margarine
2 tablespoons golden syrup
2 tablespoons rice malt syrup, agave or honey
130g TLC Lupin Protein Flakes
25g flaked almonds
20g puffed rice
30g cranberries, raisins or dried berries
10g sunflower seeds
10g desiccated coconut
10g pumpkin seeds


  1. Place coconut oil in a pan on a very low heat.
  2. Add golden syrup and rice malt syrup.
  3. Whilst this is warming through, combine all of the dry ingredients.
  4. When mix in the pan starts to bubble, stil for a few seconds.
  5. Then add the dry ingredients.
  6. Stir to combine thoroughly.
  7. Press mix into a lined baking tray.
  8. Bake at 160°C (fan oven 150°C) for 18-20 minutes, until brown.
  9. Allow to cool, then slice into bars.

The Lupinist’s Tips
We used a mixture of cranberries and sultanas, but you can use any dried fruit you like as long as the pieces are small, or you can cut the fruit into small bits.